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I am a stay at home mother who left the work place almost four years ago. I have a M.A. in Clinical Psychology and have worked as a therapist with children and their families. I have two beautiful daughters and a wonderful husband who is now a full time minister.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Got Sleep????

At 33 plus weeks it is safe to say that I am past the point of being able to "sleep like a baby." I remember being uncomfortable with my first born but at some point, through trial and error, I found a sleeping position that worked for me. This time around , I don't know if it is the anxiety of adjusting to the joyful demands of two children or not being able to shut my brain down long enough to sleep, but I can't get comfortable. I have tried it all -- sleeping with tons of pillows, sleeping sitting up in the bed and my favorite, sleeping in a chair. No matter what I try the most I get are just a few hours of sleep.....I just don't remember it being like this:)

All I can think about is if I don't go to sleep soon it will be time for Madison, my almost 3 year old, to start her day.

To add insult to injury, when people see you they quickly remind you, "you look so tired." Thanks that really makes me feel better. I remember hearing that your body is getting you read for those night feeding when the baby arrives. So tell me all my readers, especially those with more than one child..... how do you adjust to the lack of sleep and still have energy for your other children and husband? More importantly......what were your sleeping tricks in those last few months.......

Sleepless in Dallas


Anonymous said...

Hello Sleepless in Dallas! I think you look beautiful and it's good to see your blog up!

mrsjmoore2 said...

First I would like to say I am glad your back. I find that sleeping "comfortably" while your pregnant is a task within itself. I have often resorted to sleeping sitting upright on the couch with my feet propped up! With 2 older children and 1 on the way I take full advantage of any time to rest/nap/sleep when my husband takes the kids to do something outside of the house,I find it amazing how good afterwards!

Felecia Coleman said...

Hey Lori,
Sorry that you are finding it hard to sleep. I would suggest drinking a cup of chamomile tea before bed. I stay so wired sometimes that I have to use it. I live by it. There are times when I get so busy that I actually forget that this is all I need to relax me and Archie will say "drink some tea Miss". I wish I would have read this yesterday and I would have brought you a few packages to church last night. It is safe to consume during pregnancy. Let me know how it helps if you decide to try it.

Love you
Sis Coleman