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I am a stay at home mother who left the work place almost four years ago. I have a M.A. in Clinical Psychology and have worked as a therapist with children and their families. I have two beautiful daughters and a wonderful husband who is now a full time minister.

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Top Ten Thinngs You Never Say to a Pregnant Woman

I promise that this is not turning into a blog about pregnancy, but for my first week back I couldn't resist writing this blog....

So here is my top ten list for things you never say to a pregnant woman.....

10. When are you due....tomorrow?

9. Are you sure you are not having twins?

8. So how much weight have you gained so far?

7. Did you plan this? or You're having another one?

6. How many of those have you eaten?

5. You are going to breastfeed....right?

4. You not suppose to eat that....you know it's bad for the baby?

3. Why would you name your baby that?

2. What size bra are you wearing now?

1. "So this is your first? Oh my God, with my first, I had horrible back labor for THIRTY hours, and then I needed a C-section and was in pain for WEEKS and the baby didn't sleep through the night until she was two years old..." or any version of this story...........

Add your favorite inappropriate comments you heard during your pregnancy....let's see how long of a list we can get.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The worst comment that I've gotten so far was from my mother in law, who told me "are you sure this is the right moment? there are always other options!"
Hello!!! I'm pregnant and happy, thanks for your advice but no, I don't need any other options.