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I am a stay at home mother who left the work place almost four years ago. I have a M.A. in Clinical Psychology and have worked as a therapist with children and their families. I have two beautiful daughters and a wonderful husband who is now a full time minister.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Potty Training 101

Recently I starting the process of potty training my little girl as she approaches her 2nd birthday. Like most things I sought the advice of other mothers and tried to learn from their experiences what was the best way to make this as easy as possible. I heard everything from "It should only take 2-3 days," to "My baby was only 10 months when I potty trained her." While most of the tales I heard, yes tales, seemed exaggerated, I thought it would be best to watch my daughter's cues for answers. So here are the TOP TEN THINGS MY TODDLER TAUGHT ME ABOUT POTTY TRAINING:

1. If I am in the corner and not making any noise.... it is too late.
2. Pull-ups, panties or training pants, pick one and stick to it. I am already confused.
3. 2 year old like privacy when they go too. I first learned this when she closed the door on me to go potty on her own.
4. You can always clean the floor, it is not that serious.
5. Who told you this was done in 3 days?
6. Asking me every 5 minutes won't make me go more often.
7. Just because you are on the phone doesn't mean I will hold it to you're finished.
8. Reading on the potty helps the time go by faster momma.
9. I love the stickers, but you better hide them or I won't save them just for potty time.
10. Did you really think I wouldn't go potty in these panties, who told you that?

So I have learned to be patient and go at her pace. Also being consistent has helped a lot because some days I just won't to grab a diaper and forget about the whole thing. What are your potty stories? We would love to hear them.


Anonymous said...

How funny to think back to the potty training days. I started at 18 months with each one. I don't believe in Pull-ups, if they can pull those up and down they can do the same with training panties. I am sure that we all need to save a little money so we don't need to be too lazy to dump and wash. Some may not agree with my way of doing it but I believe if a child knows to go hide to use it on themselves then they should know when to go to the potty, also if they can go get a pull-up and bring it to you then they can let you know when they have to go to the potty. All 4 of my boys were spanked for hiding and not telling or telling after the fact. Generally they don't like spankings. It won't kill them, it will make them think first. Of the four I had one to take forever. I had two friends with boys the same age as my now 19 year old and they wanted to bring their children for me to train, but the problem would be, what are you going to do when they are at home? So if your child is in daycare, make sure you give them your schedule so your child will not be off schedule when away from home. Everyone has to work together in this effort. If we are serious about getting the job done then we can't be too lazy to stay consistent, again for your sanity and their well being. Have a Blessed Day Mothers.

Anonymous said...

Well it seems so long ago that I have few to no memories of this even 6 years later. There are a couple of things I do remember however. I know that when my daughter wore panties, she did not like the feeling of either number 1 or 2 being on her bottom. I think that sparked something in her to say "I better go instead of having this stuck to me." And secondly, I believe that she taught me "I'll do this when I am ready." Just like letting go of the bottle and with all children, no two children are the same. When they have had enough...like Obama said, "Enough is enough." And she stopped going on herself. And I gave her positive affirmations on those days she went without going to the potty on herself and I gave her an "it's ok, we will keep trying" on the days she did go on herself. It's a trial and error. But like my sista said "they definitely give you tips on their own." Good luck with that!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the potty training 101. I am a daycare provider and I am potty training 4 boys between the ages of 2-3 and 1 girl 18 months and I am barely receiving any success. It has been 4 weeks for 2, 2 weeks for 1 who is progressing well and 3 days for another. Please advise....Tasha