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About Me

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I am a stay at home mother who left the work place almost four years ago. I have a M.A. in Clinical Psychology and have worked as a therapist with children and their families. I have two beautiful daughters and a wonderful husband who is now a full time minister.

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Tonight I am full with emotions as I prepare to for the arrival of my second daughter. I go in tomorrow for my pre-op procedures as my c-section is scheduled for Wednesday. I have feelings of excitement as I anticipate her arrival. I wonder who she will look like this time and how my 3 year old will adjust to the new addition, but surprisingly I am not nervous or worried. I have a certain peace....or maybe I am just tired of being pregnant :)

In touring the hospital yesterday, I reflected on the difference between having your first and second child. It is funny how the first time around you question yourself more and look to others for direction. The second time you have a stronger sense of security as this is a road you have traveled before. You know to sleep when the baby sleeps or to get help from others. I will keep everyone posted on my progress....but don't expect a post before the week is out......I'm not that good.

Thanks to all my readers for your continued encouraging words and prays........keep us in mind this week.

1 comment:

mrsjmoore2 said...

my prayers are with you and your family... I cant wait to see the pictures. Take Care of yourself!