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I am a stay at home mother who left the work place almost four years ago. I have a M.A. in Clinical Psychology and have worked as a therapist with children and their families. I have two beautiful daughters and a wonderful husband who is now a full time minister.

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Just what the doctor order

My two year old caught a bug and had a bad night. My niece brought home something from the school and Madison was stuffy all night. Since I am away from home I didn't have the usual vaporizer, vapor rub and such and found my self in Walgreens at 2:00 AM and again at 4:00 AM (I bought the wrong thing the first time). In the end I returned to the remedies my mother used when I was a child, a good old vaporizer, but I was amazed at all the products that are out there for small children. What happened to a cup of chicken soup does the trick? This made me wonder, what are some of the remedies you have heard over the years with your children or just heard people try? Do they work or not? One I have frequently heard is to blow in your child's mouth to push all the mucus out of her nose when it is congested........YUCK, but I have heard it works.


Native American Momma said...

Well I have heard that putting a small drop (tiny) of peppermint extract in milk for children helps upset stomachs.

Anonymous said...

I was told (by my pediatrician) to put a couple of "Airborne" tablets in the bath water. I think it works because the Vitamin C and other herbs are absorbed into the skin. I have used it at the first sign of sniffles with my son and he has yet to have a full blown cold.