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I am a stay at home mother who left the work place almost four years ago. I have a M.A. in Clinical Psychology and have worked as a therapist with children and their families. I have two beautiful daughters and a wonderful husband who is now a full time minister.

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Toddler Travel

So tomorrow I leave for my much anticipated trip home for the holidays. However this is the first time I am flying with my daughter since she had been weaned. The previous times I have traveled by plane, I was always comforted in knowing that if anything happened, if she became fussy or needed to be calmed, we had a built in system (she was much younger the last time we flew). Now that she is a toddler and has been weaned for several months, I became anxious wondering if we would make it okay without getting those dreadful stares from other passengers. This made me search the Internet to find helpful tips for my trip. Now if they don't work you know that I will let you know first thing tomorrow when my flight lands.

1. I decided as always to take a flight at 6:00 AM, Madison is usually slip and has slept though the whole process of checking in and security.

2. I shipped all my things ahead. With the price of baggage checking, I was able to ship our stuff ahead and it has already arrived at my sister's for our vacation. I don't have to lug things in the airport and worry about picking up bags when I arrive.

3. Dress for success, this includes my toddler and me. With all the steps that are taken when you go through security ( remove shoes, etc.) we are dressing comfortably and with easy off shoes.

4. Wear her out the night before and in the airport. I have read several tips that say not to let her sit down while we are waiting in the airport. I'll let you know how this goes, in the past I have just let her sleep the entire time.

5. I never travel with out my gogo Kidz travel mate. This is money well spent. It is a gadget that attaches to her car seat and lets me push her through the airport. It turns your car seat into a stroller (see picture above). I got mine at the One Step Ahead site.

6. Snacks and milk are important. I plan on taking Cheeros, granola bars and milk. This site can give you the exact amounts of liquids and formula/milk you can have when you travel with small children:
Did you know that using a bottle during landing and take off can protect their little ears (of course gum for the older children works too).

7. Last but not least, I plan on having plenty of DVD's, books, coloring books and games to keep her entertained when she wakes up.

Overall, my daughter has been a real trooper when traveling, but I feel better being prepared just in case.

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