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I am a stay at home mother who left the work place almost four years ago. I have a M.A. in Clinical Psychology and have worked as a therapist with children and their families. I have two beautiful daughters and a wonderful husband who is now a full time minister.

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mommy Breaks- House of Payne

How many of you watched the premier of Tyler Perry's House of Payne last night? In case you missed it one of the lead characters had twins and it addressed the issue of feeling overwhelmed after child birth, feeling alone and not getting help from the father and other family members. It also dealt with other signs and symptoms of postpartum depression. I thought it gave a inside look as to how mothers often feel after child birth and how those around the mother sometimes don't fully understand all of the physical and emotional aspects that are involved with this new bundle of joy.

I loved how in the end the rest oft the family was able to really see how overwhelming the whole process was and step in to help. This isn't always what happen,s as I am sure many of you know. I have had friends who were afraid to ask others for help after child birth because they didn't want to be viewed as weak. I personally can remember people saying how easy it all looked and that I should hurry up and have another (people still say this).

I put together a list of sites that can help with postpartum depression symptoms and places where help can be sought (cut and paste into you browser). What were your experiences? Maybe you had a wonderful team of support and maybe you didn't. What advice would you give expecting or new moms? They would love the advice. My words of wisdom are this, when others offer you help, don't be afraid to accept it, you may need them to tend to your little one but they can wash dishes, cook meals or other things around the house you have put on hold.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can relate to the overwhelming feelings. I can still remember how tired I was and not feeling like anyone understood. I wanted to run as far away as I could, but thank God for sisters and mothers who helped me tremendously...For all I know I could still have postpartum...because with every stage there is always some other adjustment...

I'm just learning to create swiss cheese in my schedule after being a momma for 6 years...so what do I know?